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Detaily o ponuke práce
ZSeries Administrator
Zostávajúci čas: Platnosť vypršala.
Náplň práce:
  In the frame of a new challenging project in several European countries we are searching for specialists to build a team of English speaking zSeries Administrators. Responsibilities: • Performing functions to administer, enhance, and monitor the mainframe systems; • Responsible for system administration and maintenance of all hardware and operating system aspects of mainframe systems; • Scheduling production cycles; • Monitoring Batch Flow, Demanding Schedules, Ad-hoc requests, Re-runs; • Raising and lowering priority on jobs; • Following Control-M operator instructions; • Reporting and creating ESM problem tickets by severity; • Automated Console procedures; • Using mainframe system monitoring tools to monitor performance; • Experience applying PTFs, Performing O/S upgrades; • Disaster recovery testing (re-loading systems).
Obdobie zverejnenia:
  1 mesiac
Druh p. pomeru:
  Hlavný pracovný pomer
Dĺžka p. pomeru:
  Na dobu neurčitú
Ponúkaný plat:
  Dohodou CZK
Iné výhody
  • Job in an International Environment with latest technologies and equipment • Motivating financial remuneration and other benefits (meal tickets, relocation package, pension plan, etc) • Personalized an continuous education for all the outsourcing consultant • Technical certification paid by employer • Offered career developing within customer organization or through Natek projects
Miesto výkonu:
  Česká republika
Termín nástupu:
Informácie pre uchádzača
  Technical requirements: • Experience planning for coordinating zSeries (OS/390) systems hardware Upgrades; • Experience maintaining troubleshooting of 3rd party software packages such as MQ, Visions (or Mimix), EDI software, faxing solutions; • Knowledge of JCL, COBOL; • Knowledge and experience with RACF, Top Secret (TSS), VSAM, ISPF, CICS; • Knowledge of Control-M (ECS and Mainframe); • Basic systems administration - creating libraries, application user ids, granting object authority Other requirements: • Fluent in English; • Reliability, responsiveness and flexibility, Communication Skills, High motivation, Teamwork skills; • Customer and service orientation, Ability to operate well in an international environment, multicultural environment

Požiadavky na zamestnanca
    Vysokoškolské I. stupňa (Bc.)
  Computer Science
Požadovaná prax:
Pozícia je vhodnejšia pre:
Vhodná pre absolventa:
Jazykové znalosti:
  Anglický jazyk - Pokročilý
Počítačové znalosti:
Vodičský preukaz:
Ostatné informácie
  Thank you for transmitting the candidature (CV and motivation letter) to

O firme
  Outsourcing and Consulting Company
Oblasť podnikania:
  Ľudské zdroje a personalistika
  Natek Slovakia, s.r.o
  Grosslingova 4
  811 09 Bratislava

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